Valuation of assets and financial statement preparation under IFRS

We offer all kinds of services required for IFRS purposes. Our experts are able to discuss the results with your auditors, we have positive experience of reviewing our work by BIG 4 firms. Here is the list of our main services:

Purchase price allocation (IFRS 3)

We are experts not only in International Valuation Standards, but also in IFRS principles, which allows us professionally determine the fair value of assets (recorded in accounts and identified) and liabilities, as well as goodwill arose on acquisition. We will support you during whole process of reconciliation of the valuation results with your auditors.

Impairment testing of assets (IAS 36)

According to IFRS some of the assets should be tested for impairment annually (among them, intangibles with indefinite useful life, goodwill), other assets should be tested when required by the standards. Our experts will assist you to determine when the impairment testing is required. We will provide you with all the calculation and report and discuss the results with your auditors.

Fair value estimation (IFRS 1 and others)

In some cases IFRS stipulate that assets should be recorded in the accounts on the basis of fair value, for example in case of first adoption of IFRS (IFRS 1) or in some other cases (IAS 16, IAS 38, IFRS 10 etc.). We can provide you with fair value estimation of fixed assets, intangibles and other assets in accordance with the requirements of corresponding standards.

IFRS financial statements preparation

Our experts are able to prepare stand alone and consolidated financial statements under IFRS.

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